Family-friendly holiday destinations

Family is the basic unit of society, it should always come first as a priority in someone’s life. Atrip out to the wild will increase the bond and bring out the best in our family members. This is the best moment, to see your kids’ capabilities as they seek to satisfy their curiosity. However, as you are planning to take your family for a holiday, you could be wondering about the best family-friendly destinations in Kenya. Today, am going to highlight various family-friendly places to visit during your holiday.


Children can also be part of extreme sports and have fun. This is the perfect place for the adventurous who would like to see their adrenaline rush high when rafting in the Sagana River. Rapid Camp has the best site to capture life photos for rafting and kayaking junkies in Kenya. Tackle some serious rapid as younger children may be asked some of the more difficult ones as they prepare for soaking


 Wildlife is so interesting to know more about at a younger age. This is a fun activity as children are given a chance to track animals. In one of the most family lodges in the northern region of Laikipia, children are taken out tracking with a bag of polyfill. After identifying which poo belongs to which animals, they start to identify footprints. This is a fun game for children under the age of 12. Ol Pejeta offers junior ranger packages that involve crayons, books filled with fun activities, and stickers. As they venture around the conservancy, they get to answer the questions provided in those books. After finalizing their venture, they all meet at the Morani information center for a question and answer session and those who win are provided with a certificate of participation, ranger hats, and honorary pins. Camping is camping but what makes this fun is the fact that the tents are swinging on the top and never touch the ground. Enjoy a night flying camping with your kids, spending the night out in the bush. This is offered as an optional activity for those interested and a bonfire is lit to keep the animals away and a ranger is the to ensure the safety of the campers. The new bush camp is referred to as stingy ray style and the tent is suspended from the trees so that animals such as hippos can walk beneath you.


Hell’s Gate remains one of the best places to visit on a holiday more so, with kids. The kids can enjoy cycling safari past grazing wild animals such as zebra, and giraffes, indulge in rock climbing at the most adrenaline rush massive gorges, or still, take a walk at the park and feel the grass underneath their feet. Of course, as playful as they can get, they will have enough space to play around. And No, there are no big cats or other predators at hell’s Gate which makes it safe for them to explore. Or still, there are many KWS wardens around the park to watch over them. This means your kids are very safe and out of any danger of attack from any wild animal.


The sweetest lake adventures are in the morning as you can have a breezy feeling and a clear view of Lake Naivasha, its surrounding, and the birds that nests in its environment. This is considered to be the best spot to watch the hippos of Lake Naivasha as they snort out loudly, watching pelicans swoop over the calm waters of the lake and fish eagles perching on the top of the Acacia xanthophores. The sun is the most eye-captivating heavenly body to observe. Oserengoni Reserve is among the best-secured places out in the wild to experience the sundowner. Sundowner is the watching of the sun as it sets to the west. It is a calm experience full of joy as kids get to enjoy snacks as they observe the sun’s ray reflection while the parents have a drink and feel the heat of a bonfire.


Kids own their castles in mind but they never get to tell it out. This is the best point to take them out for fun and let them speak their mind through creativity. Diani beaches are located in the southern part of Mombasa and it has a long swathe of marvelous white powdered sand. This makes it best for children to build their sandcastles as teenagers and older people participate in windsurfing and kayaking.


Islands are pleasing and each comes with its own uniqueness. This is an island found in the southern part of the coastal region and can be visited on a day trip. One can watch dolphins jump through the waves, and do a snorkel to spot wonderfully brightly colored tropical fish and a turtle if lucky. You can enjoy a devouring picnic lunch on its shores.

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