Masai Mara flying safari packages
Explore our best Masai Mara flying packages and choose the best from our most sorted after. Our flying package itineraries to Masai Mara are flexible and can be customized to meet your schedule and budget.

Experience Masai Mara with our 3 days flying package safari from Nairobi. A luxury safari at the Mara.
Per person

Olare Motorogi, a conservancy in Masai Masai teeming with wild animals. This flying safari will help you experience the best of it
Per person

Luxury flying safari experience in 4 days at the Masai Mara.
Per person

From experiencing giraffes and baby elephants in the city, to the big five and magical landforms of the Masai Mara
Per person

A flying safari to Masai Mara then finish with the road transfer to lake Nakuru for birding.
Per person
Which flying package suits you?
Be it you want a custom Masai Mara flying package or any of the above, we are ready to help you create a whole new pulse of dreams.