Mt. Kenya

Mt. Kenya Overview

Mt Kenya is the second largest free-standing mountain in Africa. The scenery surrounding this designated World Heritage Site is breathtaking. It is a pristine wilderness with lakes, tarns, glaciers, dense forests, mineral springs, and a selection of rare and endangered species of animals, high altitude adapted plains game. and unique montane and alpine vegetation.

Upon trekking Mt Kenya, you can ascend to the bamboo forest to spot monkeys. The climbing experience here is exciting as you will be entertained by the antics of these creatures. Along the way, you can find antelope and giant forest hogs.

As you advance up the mountain, you will move into a glacier country; a barren moonscape of rock, ice, and snow. Finally, you will reach the pinnacle of the extinct volcano overseeing sweeping the Kenyan highlands. The area is a major water catchment serving many Kenyan rivers.

Mt Kenya, a favorite of climbers, has 7 routes to the summit of its 3 peaks. The batman-5199/17057ft, Nelion-5188/17021ft, and point Lenana-4985/16354ft; only this can be ascended by regular visitors. The other two, remain for the advanced mountain climbers. Visitors can enjoy mountain climbing, camping, and caving with the mountain’s rugged glacier-clad peaks providing the perfect backdrop.

Mt. Kenya Location

Mount Kenya national park is located in central Kenya, north of the equator.

Weather and climate in Mt. Kenya

The climate changes due to its elevation as you ascend the mountain. Expect lows of 4 degrees and highs of 39 degrees. The mountain tends to be wet.

Mt. Kenya Wildlife

The Mount Kenya National Park is basically a forest reserve in which a number of animal species reside. These include elephants, tree hyrax, white-tailed mongoose, black-fronted duikers, mole rats, bushbucks, waterbucks, elands, leopards, black rhinos, and buffaloes.

There are at least 160 bird species existing in Mount Kenya National Park, with 53 of Kenya’s 67 African Highland biome species, including the rare and threatened Abbott’s starling. It is home to 6 of the 8 bird species that are endemic to the Kenyan Mountains. The park is also home to several species of eagles that sometimes soar high above.

Best time to visit Mt. Kenya

The best climbing is during the two dry seasons. January to February and august to September. During the rainy season, climbing is difficult and poor visibility.

Attractions in Mt. Kenya

Climbing and trekking.

Challenge yourself in this difficult yet exciting climb enjoying some of the most beautiful scenery as you hike past mt Kenya’s stunning lakes, tarns glaciers, and peaks.

Camping and caving.

There are camps and caves just beneath the peak where climbers can rent and rest for a night. Nearby is an adventurous spot for exploring.

Discover Mount Kenya

Many attest this mountain is the most beautiful. You may explore and agree with them by trekking through the wilderness experiencing several eco-zones through the glaziers, lakes and vistas that fewer get to see.

Mt. Kenya Safari

Due to its close location to Aberdares national park and Ol pejeta conservancy, you can indulge in a tree days safari and cover these parks or just book a safari with Denki travel and in two days, experience this amazing central Kenya destination.

Mt. Kenya Tours
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