Aberdares national park

Aberdares national park Overview

Aberdares national park is the most unique of all the parks in Kenya. It is characterized by thick forests, scenic waterfalls, cool mountain breezes, and wild moorlands. This gives you a perfect idea of the best things you can do here. Fishing, hiking, nature trails, and wildlife viewing. Aberdares national park is the epitome of majestic peaks

The cool climate at this park coupled with the pervading mists along cold lakes and streams gives a complete contrast to the sunbaked savannahs in other national parks.

The Aberdares is perfect for hiking where a mountain hike will lead you to rainforest, bamboo grooves, and high alpine vegetation. You’ll be treated to beautiful views of antelopes, monkeys, buffalo, and elephants coming out of the dense and thick forest. As a matter of fact, Aberdares national park, just like Amboseli national park, has a large population of elephants. Aberdares hosts over 200 elephants.

Sightseeing also brings forth the experience for eland, jackal, spotted hyena, bush pigs, waterbucks, and the occasional black leopard.

The aberdare national park is full of life. Its misty arrays seem to favor birdlife. Over 400 species have been recorded here. The hawk, buzzards, and African crown eagle are common here.

You will come along with butterflies in big numbers due to the nature of favorable weather in the park They are dominant in the forests and the moorlands. Experience this colorful creature only at the Aberdares.

Due to its location, you can easily combine Mt Kenya and Ol pejeta and have a wonderful safari to these amazing central Kenya destinations.

Aberdares national park Location

The Aberdare national park is approximately 150 km from Nairobi and 87 km from Naivasha to the East of Kenya. Its headquarters is located 15 km from Nyeri along the Nyahurur-Nyeri road. This makes Aberdares national park the perfect destination for a one-day safari from Nairobi.


Weather and climate in Aberdares national park

The Aberdare national park climate is usually cool and misty. Heavy rain occurs year-round, averaging as much as 3,000mm per annum in the southeast areas. Being close to the equator, temperatures are quite uniform throughout the year. Warm and waterproof clothing during your tour and hikes is essential.

The dry season is between June and September. Even though the rains are plenty within this season.

However, these are the coldest months since it gets to 15°C,  at night and early morning, it gets to almost freezing time.
The wet season, which is characterized by short and long rains, has an average of 17°C.

Aberdares national park Wildlife

Wildlife viewing at the Aberdares national park is the most achievable activity due to its intense concentration of animals. It provides a habitat for elephants, black rhinos, leopards, spotted hyenas, olive baboons, black and white colobus monkeys, buffalos, warthogs, and bushbucks many more. Bird viewing is a  rewarding experience, with over 250 species of birds in the park, including the Jackson's Francolin, Sparrow hawks, goshawks, eagles, sunbirds, and plovers.

Best time to visit Aberdares national park

The park is open year-round. However, the best time to visit Aberdares national park is between June and December when the rains are low with favorable temperatures, during the rainy season the roads are impassable.

Attractions in Aberdares national park


Due to its topography, Aberdare national park is perfect for easy walks and serious trekking. Though accompanied by the KWS officer, you will have a lot to enjoy sightseeing of wildlife being one of the possibilities.


The park holds the highest waterfalls in Kenya. The waters of karuru Falls, fall in three steps, 1st step 117M, 2nd step 26M, and 3rd 130M, making a total of 273M 300 meters high making it the highest waterfall in the country. The base of the waterfall has cold waters where you can take a dip to cool down your body temperatures.

Hill Climbing.

The twin hills at the Aberdares give a good opportunity for climbing. Though quite challenging, it is an activity worth trying. It is achieved by an average hiker.

Fishing and picnic.

If you like fishing, your fishing skills come in handy. Rivers Chania and guru give a perfect platform due to their rich fish. The park is known for the presence of brown trout.


Adding to the beauty of Aberdare are many ridges and river valleys coupled with beautiful sceneries, Aberdares is a perfect place to take nice pictures


Aberdares national park Safari

This park is the complete opposite of the other parks. From its climate to the environment. Experience a unique African environment by visiting Aberdares national park. You will be surprised by the cooling mists and the interplay between the dense forests with the birds they contain. Here are some of the tours to Aberdares.

Aberdares national park Tours
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